Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

Simply hit the "arrange a hand" button anywhere on our website. If you'd prefer to talk to somebody, give us a call on 0800 248 229.

We can provide a quote for all of our services before starting any work. This means you’ll always know what the costs will be and there’ll be no nasty surprise when it comes to invoices.

Hourly rates vary according to the nature of the work being undertaken and the range of tools and equipment that is required. A quote can be supplied up-front, so you know exactly how much the job will cost before any work starts.

Our franchisees are home maintenance professionals who are experts at refurbishing, assembling, constructing, creating, refreshing and renewing many different aspects of your home or commercial property. They can also simply consult, or even project manage a bigger job. Check out our Service pages for more information.

Yep! All of our franchisees have a comprehensive criminal history check completed before they become a Hire a Hubby franchise owner - giving you peace of mind about the good people coming into your home. 

Our franchisees will always supply their contact details to you when they come on site or you can ring our 0800 number to be connected with the franchisee in your area.

Commercial Properties

Our franchisees have all undergone comprehensive health and safety training and use the Safety Work Kits app on their phone to complete a safety site check before commencing work. They will also undergo any induction processes that are specific to your work site.


Worksafe Practices:


- All franchisees comply with the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015

- All franchisees have been trained on health and safety recording and reporting relevant to their business

- All franchisees are supported 24/7 via an independent health and safety service provider

- To ensure that all commercial customers are meeting their company's health and safety obligations:

  1. All franchisees can provide proof of all health and safety administration including, but not limited to Incident Injury Register and Hazardous Chemicals and Product Register
  2. All franchisees can provide Safe Work Method Statements or Risk Analysis for any of their customers upon request

Work With Us

  • An exclusive area anywhere in NZ with a minimum of 5000 residential postal addresses and often commercial businesses as well
  • Comprehensive equipment pack including training
  • A 9-year contract plus ability to renew for another 9 years for free
  • Immediate brand recognition from NZ’s best known maintenance franchise
  • Proven systems that can be quickly implemented into your business
  • A dedicated Business Advisor
  • A network of over 50 franchisees
  • Annual conference and regional meetings

We have two options to choose from, so you can select the payment structure that best suits your financial situation.


  1. Buy a Standard area - $44,000 +GST including your equipment pack and training.


  1. Buy a Gold area - $64,000 +GST including your equipment pack and training (this will get you into one of a limited number of highly sought after, high value areas).



In addition to the above start-up cost, you’ll need your own set of tools, and a suitable vehicle for your franchise – typically a black van or ute, no older than ten years of age.

Our partners at Ebbett Toyota can help with your vehicle purchase.

Our Alliance Partners, ANZ Bank, can help you get your new business up and running, with a business loan of up to 50% of the purchase and set-up cost, as well as further lending if you have equity in your home.

The short answer is, as much as you want. As a guide, you should be turning over around $2,500 per week for a 40 hour week. But there's no reason you should stop there unless you want to.

The equipment pack provides you with everything from theory and practical training, to uniforms, vehicle signage, safety equipment, comprehensive Health and Safety training and marketing collateral. You’ll also be given access to accounting and client management software. As far as tools are concerned, we leave you free to choose which brand and products work for you.

While basic DIY skills or a trade/project management background is useful, Hire-A-Hubby’s comprehensive training, ongoing support and award-winning systems will help you build up your skill set. However, we can’t teach a positive attitude and a sound work ethic, so you’ll need to bring those things with you and put them to work in your new business.

As the most recognised property maintenance and home improvement brand in New Zealand, we offer the following benefits.


      1.   Flexibility

We give you the tools you need to be your own boss and the autonomy to truly run your own business. With our comprehensive training and ongoing support, our franchisees quote all their own jobs and deal directly with their clients. They also invoice jobs personally and receive payment straight into their own bank accounts (not ours), keeping control of their own tax returns and GST payments.


      2.  Technology

Our award-winning franchise system is managed electronically, eliminating paper trails and saving our franchisees hundreds of dollars each year. Jobs are received, quoted and invoiced electronically, meaning no unnecessary trips to the bank and no long hours filling out paperwork.


      3.  Big Brand Alliance Partners

We've aligned ourselves with some of the most recognised brands in New Zealand, giving you the power to buy at the right price. Our current alliance partners include One NZ, Bunnings, ANZ, Z Energy and Target Insurance.

What territories are available

Hire A Hubby territories are available nationwide. If you choose to take up a franchise opportunity with Hire A Hubby, you'll secure a large operating area of your choice - this may be an entire town or suburban group. You'll also have ongoing support from the Franchise Support office.


To see the demographic breakdown of each listed area, please select your region of choice to see what areas are available right now. You get a full demographic breakdown and map of the area to view.